You know how sometimes we fall into the belief that we can only make ourselves a priority after all the things get done?

Well, sadly, all of it never gets done. (And let’s pause here to allow our brain receptors to slowly transmit that truth deep into the recesses of our hearts.)

Though we may expend every ounce of available energy one day and manage to miraculously clear our to-do list, the next day comes. And we begin again.

Running on empty while trying to navigate all the stuff  is simply not a sustainable plan. In her new book Find Rest, Shaunti Feldhahn unfolds why.

“Many of us are literally running on adrenaline instead of a healthy foundation of rest, deep breaths, prayer time, God-directed pacing, and peace. Every day, we use up all our energy to get things done and solve the crisis of the moment. When the next crisis hits, the only option is a surge of adrenaline to propel us forward.

“But God did not design our bodies that way. Adrenaline is His provision for an emergency fight-or-flight situation, not daily life. When it builds up in our system, we may suffer from anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, or a weakened immune system. We can become used to drawing on adrenaline to get things done and find it harder and harder to get things done without it.”

Sometimes we take on things we were never meant to take on. Or we do things in a way we were never meant to do.

This is where I raise my hand.

For years, feeling I had nothing else to draw from, I drew on the reserves of my own adrenaline. Until I couldn’t anymore. The stress had become too much to handle and my body started protesting. Loudly.

Though the demands on my time didn’t go away, I did learn how it wasn’t these specific responsibilities that were threatening to take me down. It was my reaction to the busy-ness, to the stress, that was killing me. I was living all harried and crazy and stressed out when really I could live a life of peace and joy in spite of being so busy.

Here’s where we want to come alongside you and encourage you to consider your own reactions and mindset as you juggle all the things.

Are you willing to lay down the cape? To set aside your inner Superwoman? Are you willing to consider any health or habit changes you need to make so your soul can have the space it needs to be restored?

Rest really is possible.

We are loving Shaunti’s new book Find Rest: A Woman’s Devotional for Lasting Peace in a Busy Life so much that we want to share. If you want to learn why God asks us to change our perspective on busy-ness along with the eight often-overlooked elements to finding rest, give us a shout-out in the comments below and be entered to win a free copy!

Find Rest


Consider sharing this post with a friend you know who needs to find some true rest? She’ll thank you later. And we’ll add a bonus entry into the giveaway just for you.


Jo Ann helps busy, go-getter women stop ignoring the signals that they're doing too much. As an author and Life Coach, she helps them learn how to make time for themselves so they can start loving their lives again. You can connect with her at