Guest contributor: Heather King

Before our recent move, I headed out into my garden with a trowel so I could transplant my daffodil bulbs.  For over a decade, they had multiplied and bloomed spring after spring in my front yard.

Now, I’d carry them to our new home, dig them deep down in fresh dirt, and let them bloom again. This time in new earth.

I transplanted them back in July, but there’s no evidence of that.   They’ll remain dormant and unseen through the long winter until we see the first hints of green in February.

Sometimes I need to be reminded how seasons of dormancy, seasons of rest, seasons of being hidden away, aren’t always signs of death.  Often, they are the prelude to new life.

The things we struggle most to endure can often birth beautiful things, if we don’t rush them.

Like stepping down from a beloved ministry without knowing when or how God will ask us to step again and we land in this curious in-between.

That waiting time can be uncomfortable, unsettling, even frightening.  What if I stop writing and I never write again?  What if I never lead, never teach, never speak again?  Is God done with me?  Has He abandoned me?  Have I failed or disappointed Him?

 I’m tempted to make my own way, fight what feels like stagnation.  I throw myself into busyness to regain productivity and achieve “success.”

Maybe you do the same.

Jesus knew about the in-between. He understood what it was like to balance public ministry with private moments hidden away with His Father.  He spent time in the desert.  He slipped away for quiet prayer.  He stayed behind for some moments alone with God.

As we face days that may feel insignificant, let’s turn away from the busyness that tempts us. Let’s also draw near to God and seek to know Him more than we want to know His plans for us or His ten-year vision for our lives.  James tells us,“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8 ESV) and we read in Jeremiah “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 ESV).

 Instead of filling the calendar with activity, let’s fill it with extra time in God’s Word, long prayer walks, and quiet in His presence.

Instead of looking for the big, the grand, or the public ministry, let’s choose the small and unnoticed.  Take a meal to a friend, pray for a missionary, teach your children, write a note to an overwhelmed mom, or meet a neighbor for coffee (tea for me!)

Ministry always comes down to loving the individual.

Hebrews tells us, “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight” (Hebrews 4:13 NIV).  That means you.  That means me.  Even if we’ve slipped into a season of quiet before Him, He sees us and knows us.  He loves us and has not abandoned us.

We can embrace His rest.  We can root ourselves deeply in Him and allow Him to do this hidden work now, so that we can bloom in all the colors as He calls us in the future.

How can God use seasons of quiet or “hiddenness” to prepare us for a new work? Comment below for a chance to win a copy of Sara Hagerty’s new release Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to Be Noticed.

Heather King is a busy-but-blessed wife and mom to four and author of Ask Me Anything, Lord: Opening Our Lives to God’s Questions and Anywhere Faith: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Excuses, and Say Yes to God. She blogs about applying the Bible to everyday life with all of its mess, noise, and busyness at  When she’s not zipping around town in her minivan, you can find her reading good books and sipping a cup of strong, hot tea.

You can connect with Heather on Facebook and Instagram.


Jo Ann helps busy, go-getter women stop ignoring the signals that they're doing too much. As an author and Life Coach, she helps them learn how to make time for themselves so they can start loving their lives again. You can connect with her at